líneas para torneado, rectificado, medición, carga, descarga de tulipas y manguetas
Chuck de torno para rosacas de tubo petrolífero
Tornos de configuración especial, a medida
torno con doble torreta y subhusillo para manufactura de vástagos de amortiguador
dobles torretas para cigüeñal
maquinado duro de tulipas
tornos verticales con mesa trasladante para carga - descarga
tornos verticales con mesa trasladante para carga - descarga
multitareas clamp in one - torno y rectificadora vertical
torno para barras - maquinado completo apartando lunetas
Torno c carga - manguetas automotrices de forja - torneado duro 64HRC
Full range of CNC lathes: robust, stable, repetitive machines, with perlitic cast iron bed, or NATURAL granite.
Range of production series lathes - Range of Heavy Duty Lathes - Range of special machines, suit to fit spec.
Machines for hard turning with precision in the range of 1-2 microns and mirror finishing, durable after decades working (references available).
Swiss lathes, Multitask lathes (MTM): machines with multiple axes (X, Z, C, B, Y); dual turrets; pick-up subspindle and live tools for milling.
We like delivering turn key projects, with automatisation and even process engineering and CNC programming.Please, do not stop yourself from asking.