maquinado y rectificado de formas curvas en partes de cerámica
rectificado de formas curvas - partes de cerámica y materiales duros
interiores cónicos y toroidales
rectificados toroidales y esféricos, forma especial
Rectificado de formas especiales con cono o radio
Can Industry - Máquinas para punzones y dados de forma especial
rectificados internos en cerámica y materiales duros
Rectificadora de cinco ejes - eje rotor de turbina - rotor shaft aerospace
rectificado superficies complejas 5 ejes vertical-horizontal
rectificado, simulación inserto punzon redondeado
superacabado interior cinco ejes esféricos
5-axes grinding machines
5-Axes grinding machines: high tech industries solution oriented; flexible grinding machines for spheric, parabolic, toroid or other surface types, without any need of manual intervention.
- Linear motors, without any backlash risk ever.
- Natural Granite made based structure, not granitan or any composites nor steel or cast iron. Granite structure, such as CMM tables, guarantees stability against vibration and against thermical dilatation.
The turret can incorporate up to 4 spindles for the manufacture of nearly any type of high precision parts, cylindrical or not cylindrical, with interior or exterior surfaces, radiae, faces and any high complexity surface.
German top end technology, it is a complete solution for cutting tools, mold/ die tool, can industry, valves and special multiaxes forms.