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Máquinados: Arranque de viruta Tornos CNC Torno Multitareas MTM
Máquinados: Arranque de viruta Tornos CNC Torno Multitareas MTM
Máquinados: Arranque de viruta Tornos CNC Torno Multitareas MTM
Máquinados: Arranque de viruta Tornos CNC Torno Multitareas MTM

ltc-25i.smy torno mtm subhusillo, ejes C, Y, milling, cargador

Multitask lathes (MTM). Clamp once and finish the part.

Axes: X - Z - C - Y - A

Machines that can be configured with a main spindle, a synchron subspindle / one or dual simultaneous turrets with live tools and Axes B - A.

To get all the possibilities out of such a machine, we can guarantee that we can CNC program these machines, we can simulate and deliver customized G-M Code. And we can deliver a customized postprocessor to any machine.

Ask us for a test.