máquina soldadora de fricción de dos puestos
tulipas automotrices soldadas por fricción en dos extremos - cuerpo hueco
soldadura por fricción - válvulas de motor vaciadas y soldadas
Válvula hueca, soldada
Soldadora bfw exterior
Soldadora de friccion rotativa para tulipas
Soldadora de friccion rotativa de un puesto
soldadora de friccion rotativa con dos puestos, automatizada con robot
friction welding machines
Friction Welding machines - on demand, with flexible possibilities, such as:
- The machine can turn as a one or two axes lathe, being a combination of welding machine and lathe, all in one.
- The machine can shear cut the excedent welded ring.
- The machine can be configured for a totally new reference (changing heads) in a typical time of 30-60 min.
- The machine can weld two sides of a part in the same setup. Simultaneously or in alternate operation, if parameters differ from one side to the other.
- The machine can control the phase angle in which the parts have to stay oriented when welded.
- Custom studies of materials that are weldable among each.
- Full integration of machines with Industry 4.0 Systems, in order to keep registry of all data and parameters regarding each part.